I have always kept a list of things I learned through the year. These are lessons that resonate with me through reading and conversations with people around me.

Let me share some with you.

  1. Write down things you have learned. Revisiting the lessons reinforces them.
  2. You can always go one step further.
    • Found a solution? How do you make it better?
    • Found an issue? Is it really the root cause or just a red herring?
    • Completed a task? Is it rounded out with no loose ends?
  3. Managers manage what is, leaders see what can be.
  4. Thick skin? (Not sure if this applies to everyone!)
  5. Always forgive your enemy, nothing annoys them more – Oscar Wilde.
  6. Don’t be afraid to stand out. Being the norm will not help you succeed. Successful people are those who stand out.
  7. Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don’t say it meanly.
  8. Learn to hate the word “I can’t do it”. You can ask “How I can do it” instead.
  9. Norms are a lot easier to establish at the start than trying to do it after conflicts have arisen and culture has been cemented.